Results for the Show 2017 Show.

C77     Dairy Interbreed Group Championship. The NORFOLK Perpetual Challenge Trophy (C03) and the sum of £120, for the Best Team of Three Dairy Cows of one Breed. The Team will be chosen from each breed by the breed judge. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
23  Smith Farms Ltd - Wigboro Holsteins  WIGBORO MAMMOTH ARIANE 
13  Blydale Holsteins  BLYDALE QUALITY LYYNN ET 
10  Designer Holsteins  DESIGNER DREAMS MOTH 
Dairy Interbreed Group Championship. The NORFOLK Perpetual Challenge Trophy (C03) and the sum of £120, for the Best Team of Three Dairy Cows of one Breed. The Team will be chosen from each breed by the breed judge. £40 will be awarded to the owners of each animal in the winning team.