Results for the Show 2017 Show.

C143     Beef Breed Championship.The FOUNTAINE Perpetual Challenge Cup (C08), presented by Mrs C Fountaine and £125 (£75 Reserve) for the Best Pair of Breed Champions. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
288  Loveday J&S  POLLY 
303  R.I. Clough and Son  BEVERLEY VANTAGE 
242  Ludgate, Mr M J  REMPSTONE 1 EVEN MONEY E429 
200  Ludgate, Mr M J  REMPSTONE 1 FASHION E428 ET 
Beef Breed Championship. The FOUNTAINE Perpetual Challenge Cup (C08), presented by Mrs C Fountaine and £125 (£75 Reserve) for the Best Pair of Breed Champions; i.e. Champion Male and Champion Female of the Aberdeen-Angus, British White, Beef Shorthorn, Belted Galloway, Dexter, Hereford, Highland, Lincoln Red, Longhorn, Red Poll, South Devon, Sussex, British Blue, British Charolais, British Limousin, British Simmental, and the Best Male and Female of any breed entered in the Any Other Beef Breed Classes.