Results for the Show 2018 Show.

C18     Arab In Hand - Championship Rosette Reserve Rosette and the BARCLAY Perpetual Challenge Trophy Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
306  Godden, Mrs Jill  RHOS EXCEPTION 
316  Charlesworth, Mr Alan  TANDRIDGE TIMELORD 
Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette and the BARCLAY Perpetual Challenge Trophy (LH11) presented by Mrs. F P Barclay, for the Best Anglo or Part Bred Arab in Hand entered in classes 60-62.
Winner is eligible for C1 Cuddy and C2 Stuart Group In hand Supreme Championships.
(Note: Foals and Geldings 4 years old and over are NOT eligible for C1 Cuddy. Qualification may pass to Reserve Champion only.)