Results for the Show 2018 Show.

154     Partbred - Ridden Part Bred Pony of the Year Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
1024  Glover, Miss Lucy  CARMENS NOVELLO 
1033  Till, Mrs Henrietta  ROTHERWOOD RAINMAKER 
1031  Rennocks , Mr & Mrs B P  RENDENE SECRET CHARM 
1028  Mitchell, Miss Leanne  CAITHNESS ROYAL RUBY 
1030  Parkhouse, Mrs Serena  JACKETS DESTINY 
Equissage Pulse Ridden Partbred Pony - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier 2018.
Open to stallions, mares or geldings 4 years old and over and not exceeding 148cms. (See conditions above for stud book registration requirements.)

Marks will be awarded in the following way:
Performance - 50 Marks Maximum
Conformation, Movement & Quality - 50 Marks Maximum
Equality. In the case of equality, the horse with the highest Performance mark will be deemed the winner. If there is still equality at this point, then the judges' decision will be final.