Results for the Show 2018 Show.

C139     Native Male Beef Championship. The LARKING GOWEN Silver Salver (C66), and £125 (£75 Reserve) for the Best Native Beef Bull. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
120  Shadwell Estate Company Ltd  SHADWELL EBENEZER N672 
386  Mawer, Mr R  FOULNESS ULTRA 
Native Male Beef Championship. The LARKING GOWEN Silver Salver (C66), and £125 (£75 Reserve) for the Best Native Beef Bull. Only the winners of Male Championship of the Aberdeen Angus, Beef Shorthorn, Belted Galloway, British White, Dexter, Hereford, Highland, Lincoln Red, Longhorn, Red Poll, South Devon, Sussex and representatives from each breed in the Any Other Native Beef Breed Sections are eligible to compete.