Results for the Show 2019 Show.

177     Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - (RIHS) BSPA Ridden Qualifier Open to ridden horses exceeding 153 cms, plaited. 4 years old or over. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
1694  Mrs T Robson  MIDGES MONTY 
1695  Rossiter, Miss Charlie  ALIYAN 
1693  Few, Ms Jessica  RED TUCKY 
1692  Dagless, Mrs Carole  FRECKLETON FIRST CLASS 
BSPA RIHS Ridden Qualifier
Open to ridden horses exceeding 153cms, plaited. 4 years old or over.
Rider any age. Judge will RIDE.
RIHS Qualification cards will be given out in the ring.
BSPA Qualifying Sash to the two qualifiers.
This class is a qualifier for P(UK) Ridden Piebald/Skewbald Horse/Pony Gold Medal Series Championship.