Results for the Show 2019 Show.

179     Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - Open Ridden Championship Qualifier Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
1708  Wright, Miss Rebecca  HIGHOAK JUKE 
1703  Annan, Mrs Kayliegh  ROCKY VII 
1707  Woollard, Mrs S  ANNIE OF OAKHAZE 
1704  Griffiths, Miss Zoe  PRIMITIVE POIROT 
1705  Hardstone, Miss Claire  KILURNAY PATCH 
BSPA Open Ridden Championship Qualifier,
Combined class, horse/pony, any height, any type, sex or colour. Rider any age. Judge WILL NOT ride any exhibit. Spurs must not be worn by any competitor. Judge will request a display. Open to Members and Non Members. Horses do not need to be registered with the BSPA except Stallions need to be graded.
WCC Qualification cards will be given out in the ring.
This class is a qualifier for P(UK) Ridden Piebald/Skewbald Horse/Pony Gold Medal Series Championship.