Results for the Show 2019 Show.

194     Veteran Ridden - Veteran, 20-24 years old, Horse or Pony, Ridden, any breed, any height. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
1836  Mace, Joe  ROSIE 
1831  Cullen, Miss Jo  BURESIDE AUTUMN MIST 
1842  Stone, Mrs Natasha  THE PRINCE OF THIEVES 
1837  Magnus, Mrs Pagane  PRETTY MATE 
1829  Bridger, Miss Laura  GINNY 
1828  Baldry, Mrs Cindy  KING ARTHUR 
1843  Tilney, Miss Laura  PITLAND'S PENNY ROYAL 
Veteran, 20-24 years old, Horse or Pony, Ridden, any breed, any height.
1st and 2nd placed will go forward to Championship C62.
VHS 1st to 4th will qualify for corresponding class at VHS Regional Final.
VHS 1st and 2nd placed will also qualify for corresponding class at VHS Supreme Final.
VHS Highest placed M&M will qualify for M&M Supreme Final at the National Veteran Championships.