Results for the Norfolk Horse Show 2021 Show.

85     M & M Ridden - Non Welsh Ridden - (HOYS) Dartmoor, Exmoor and Shetland ponies four years old or over. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
487  Barton, Mrs Julie  MOORTOWN FOX TOR 
489  Hodge D & Walters J  SHARPTOR ARMANI 
488  Brill, Ms Lauren  FELDONS RED KITE 
479  Richardson, Mrs Maureen Maureen  DUNKERY WIGEON 
481  Hewitt, Miss Megan  DUNMERE ASTRA NOVA 
486  Oughton-Auker, Miss Laura  SPRINGWATER GUILLOT 
National Pony Society/Baileys Horse Feeds Mountain & Moorland Ridden Dartmoor, Exmoor and Shetland Pony Horse of the Year Show Qualifier
Stallion, mare or gelding ponies, four years old or over.
The winner and reserve of this class will be eligible for C37 Small Breed Champion.

Exmoor Pony Society 'Exmoor Pony of the Year' qualifying Rosette and Card will be awarded to the highest placed Exmoor.
In 2021, the Exmoor Pony Society is celebrating its centenary - 100 years as Guardians of the Breed. All exhibitors entering an affiliated class during this very special year will receive a Centenary rosette. Rosettes will be distributed following the showing season.
Dartmoor Pony Society Special Rosette for the highest placed Member of the Dartmoor Pony Society, membership card must be presented in the ring.
Shetland Pony Stud Book Society Best Shetland Rosette to highest placed Shetland.