Results for the Norfolk Horse Show 2021 Show.

114     Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - (RIHS) BSPA Ridden Qualifier Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153cm. Traditional & Native types (to be shown in their natural state), hogged cobs. 4 years old or over. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
654  Leek, Mrs Mandy  RAG'N;BONE MAN 
651  Morrison, Mr Liam  TIC TAC TILDA 
650  Boot, Miss Danielle  LUCKY LLAMEDOS 
652  Humphrey, Miss Cally  FOUCHES WIZARD OF OZ 
BSPA RIHS Ridden Qualifier
Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153cm. Traditional & Native types (to be shown in their natural state), hogged cobs. 4 years old or over.
NO spurs to be worn. NO Leading Reins permitted.
Rider any age. Judge WILL NOT ride. Display required.
BSPA Qualifying rosette to the two qualifiers.