Results for the Norfolk Horse Show 2021 Show.
114 Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - (RIHS) BSPA Ridden Qualifier Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153cm. Traditional & Native types (to be shown in their natural state), hogged cobs. 4 years old or over. Results
Prize | Cat. No | Cat. Name | Details |
1st |
654 | Leek, Mrs Mandy | RAG'N;BONE MAN |
2nd |
651 | Morrison, Mr Liam | TIC TAC TILDA |
3rd |
650 | Boot, Miss Danielle | LUCKY LLAMEDOS |
4th |
652 | Humphrey, Miss Cally | FOUCHES WIZARD OF OZ |
Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153cm. Traditional & Native types (to be shown in their natural state), hogged cobs. 4 years old or over. NO spurs to be worn. NO Leading Reins permitted. Rider any age. Judge WILL NOT ride. Display required. BSPA Qualifying rosette to the two qualifiers. |