Results for the Norfolk Horse Show 2021 Show.

113     Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - (RIHS) BSPA Ridden Qualifier Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153 cms, plaited. 4 years old or over. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
648  Farrell & Taylor  MAPLEBRIDGE GOOD FRIDAY 
647  Curtis, Mrs Louise  LLYNHELYG KING-OF-KINGS 
BSPA RIHS Ridden Qualifier
Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153cms, plaited. 4 years old or over.
NO spurs to be worn. NO Leading Reins permitted.
Rider any age. Judge WILL NOT ride. Display required.
BSPA Qualifying rosette to the two qualifiers.