Results for the Show 2022 Show.

40     Ridden Heavy Horse - (KILMANNAN) Ridden Heavy Horse Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
120  Green, Mrs Emma  BORDLEY HOUSE NORMAN 
125  Warburton, Miss Sarah  HILLMOOR ROXY 
117  Carter, Mrs Leanne  WALTON KIMBERLEY 
121  Message, Miss Emma  RUSKINGTON OWEN 
126  Wilkinson, Mrs Caryn  HARTCLIFF BON JOVI 
Ridden Heavy Horse.
Open to purebred mares, geldings and stallions, 4 years old or over, that are registered in the main British Stud Books of the Shire, Suffolk, Clydesdale or Percheron Horse Societies. Partbreds are not eligible to compete.

All entrants will be expected to show obedience and acceptance of aids, good manners, perform movements in correct manner, be a good representative of the breed & be well turned out with well-fitting tack.

This class is a qualifier for the KILMANNAN Ridden Heavy Horse Championship to be held at Equifest 2022.

Clydesdale Horse Society rosette for the highest placed ridden Clydesdale.

Winner of this class is eligible for C3 The Westover Vets Ridden Supreme Championship.

MP POWER has kindly sponsored the prize money for this class.