Results for the Show 2022 Show.

C45     M & M Ridden - Championship Rosette and Reserve Champion Rosette for the Best Ridden Mountain and Moorland Pony. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
Best Non-Welsh
590  Turner, Miss Stephanie  RAVENSTONE FUDGE II 
632  Grota, Mrs Hayley  HOEKHURST EXAMPLE 
679  Lloyd, Mr Dorian  HAIGHMOOR HORACE 
Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the Best Ridden Mountain and Moorland Pony.
This Championship is open to the winners and reserves of the following ridden classes: Non Welsh (135-138), Welsh (139-142) and Unaffiliated (143-144).

C3 The Westover Vets Ridden Supreme Championship..
The highest placed Non Welsh Pony and the highest placed Welsh Pony will be eligible for C3 The Westover Vets Ridden Supreme Championship.