Results for the Show 2013 Show.

Dairy Goats
Dairy Goats


Please also see Show Regulations at the back of the Prize Schedule

1. Rules and Regulations.
a. The goat classes/Milking Competitions are held under the Rules, Regulations and Recognition of the British Goat Society.
b. All exhibits must be registered with the British Goat Society as in the ownership and in the name of the exhibitor, the registered name and number being quoted on the entry form.
The kidding date for goats in milk should also be shown. The registered number of any goat initially entered R.A.F. (registration applied for) must be submitted to the Show organisers before that goat competes in any class.
c. All goats in milk must have kidded or aborted a minimum of 30 days previous to the date of the show.

2. C.A.E.
a. Entries will only be accepted from animals from herds that are whole herd
negative C.A.E. tested within the twelve months prior to the Show.
Exhibitors MUST produce, on arrival at the show, a certificate confirming
the status of their herd.
b. All kids entered must have a C.A.E. Certificate confirming their dam as
c. Exhibitors should not bring to the Show any animal which has ever had a positive reaction to the C.A.E. test.
d. Milk produced in the milking competition at the Show should not be fed
to the goats.

3. Scrapie Segregation
No segregation from non-scheme Goats is required, providing all entries are
(a) non pregnant
(b) must not have kidded or aborted in the previous 30 days.

4. Penning
a. Goats will be housed in wooden pens in a marquee.
b. Goat exhibitors may book a maximum of 6 pens each pen to house a maximum of one adult goat,
c. Total pen reservations will be very limited.
d. Exhibitors will be required to display above their pens a card giving details
of the animals, these cards will be provided at the Show.

5. Arrival and Departure
All goats must arrive by 16.30 hrs Tuesday 25th June.
All goats must remain penned until 16.30hrs Thursday 27th June,
after which time they may be loaded for departure.
All goats must be identified in accordance with current legal requirements and accompanied by correct movement documentation.
Showground Holding Number is 28/207/8000.

6. General Information
a. All handlers must be aged 12 or over to handle animals in the
breed classes.
b. All equipment, buckets, forage and grooming boxes to be removed from the aisles whilst the public have access to the marquee.
c. Any animal judged unworthy or of insufficient quality in Inspection classes
will not be eligible to compete in Milking Classes.
d. Exhibitor/s or any animal/s below a reasonable standard of excellence
will not be permitted to come forward in any of the goat classes entered at
the Show and exhibitor/s may be requested to remove their animal/s from
the Showground and no refund or reimbursements of any costs will be
e. Exhibitors must enter and show at least one adult goat in inspection classes.
g. All Prize winners, Best In Show and Reserve Best in Show must parade. Prize winners to be in the ring 15 minutes prior to the parade.
h. Late Entries will NOT be accepted and entries in all sections will be
subject to space, accommodation and availability.
Entries Close - 4th April 2013.

7. Milk
a All goats in milk shall be milked dry in the presence of the Steward by
07.00 hrs on the day previous to the Show - Tuesday 25th June.
b. Any animal judged unworthy or of insufficient quality in Inspection classes
will not be eligible to compete in Milking Classes.
c. All goats to be milked in the designated milking area of the marquee only.