Results for the Show 2017 Show.
YFC Stock Judging Competitions
YFC - Dairy CattleYFC - Beef CattleYFC - SheepYFC- PigsSPECIAL PRIZES |
YOUNG FARMERS STOCK JUDGING COMPETITION Organised with the Co-operation of Norfolk Federation of Young Farmers Clubs Judges: Dairy - Mr Ken Proctor - Norfolk Beef - Mr. William Haire - Norfolk Sheep - Mr. John Maxwell - Cambridgeshire Pigs - Mr Ian Gillies - Suffolk Judging: Thursday 29 June - Cattle Rings 9.15am - Competitors to report by 9am Prizes: 1st £10, 2nd £8, 3rd £5. Rosettes & cards will be awarded 1st - 4th Conditions: i) Entry is restricted to registered members only. Entries close Friday 5 May. ii) Clubs may enter as many classes as they wish. Each competitor will receive one free admission ticket for the Royal Norfolk Show for the day of judging only. iii) Competitors to place in correct order of merit a group of 4 animals judging them as commercial stock and not on breed points and also give their reasons. iv) 10 minutes allowed for inspection and 2 minutes to give reasons. v) A maximum of 50 placing marks will be calculated in accordance with the official NFYFC scorecard. Maximum marks for reasons will be 50; accuracy of observation 25, comparison, as distinct from description 15, style and delivery 10. vi) WHITE COATS MUST BE WORN vii) The Competition will take place in two or more of the Cattle judging rings, and appropriate pens. Judging commences at 9.15am on Thursday 29 June. Competitors should report to the cattle rings no later than 9am. Class |