Results for the Show 2018 Show.

Beef Cattle
Aberdeen Angus
Beef Shorthorn
Belted Galloway
British White
Dexter Cattle Society National Show
Lincoln Red
Red Poll
South Devon
Any Other Native Beef Breed (including Any Other Rare Breed)
British Blue
British Charolais
British Limousin
British Simmental
Commercial Beef
Heygates Country Feeds Team of Five
Beef Interbreed Championship

Section Class Numbers
Aberdeen Angus 281 - 285
Beef Shorthorn 286 - 290
Belted Galloway 291 - 295
British White 296 - 300
Dexter 301 - 314
Hereford 315 - 321
Highland 322 - 328
Lincoln Red 329 - 333
Longhorn 334 - 339
Red Poll 340 - 345
South Devon 346 - 350
Sussex 351 - 355
Any Other Native Beef Breed 356 - 360
British Blue 361 - 365
British Charolais 366 - 370
British Limousin 371 - 376
British Simmental 377 - 385
Any Other Continental Beef Breed 386 - 390
Commercial Beef 391 - 400