Results for the Show 2018 Show.
PIGS GENERAL CONDITIONS & BPA SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR PIG EXHIBITORS Please also see Show Regulations at the back of the Prize Schedule 1. ENTRIES a) Pigs to have been registered in a published volume or accepted for entry in a forthcoming volume of the British Pig Association Herd Book. It is not sufficient for an animal to be eligible for registration. Animals registered in a Grading Register of a Herd Book are not eligible for entry in these classes. b) All notching, tattooing and ear tagging must be as BPA ruling, must be fully legible and all BPA conditions complied with. The RNAA reserves the right to withdraw any entry which does not fully comply with this and to withhold any monetary payments due for any reason. c) The ear number, registered name, Herd Book number and date of birth of each pig, must be supplied for printing in the catalogue together with the name of the breeder in cases where the exhibitor is not also the breeder. d) Exhibitors should reserve the required number of pens by stating this clearly on the entry form, along with payment of the appropriate class fees, by the entry closing date. e) Entries close Tuesday 17 April 2018. Late entries may not be accepted and entries in all sections will be subject to space and availability. Animal details may be entered/altered after this date if necessary. f) Exhibitors will be required to complete and display a card giving details of the animal above each pen. g) All pigs must be identified in accordance with current legal requirements and accompanied by correct movement documentation. The Showground Holding Number is 28/207/8107. h) The identities of pigs forward will be checked against catalogue entries. i) If there are insufficient entrants in any of the separate breed sections, the particular section will be joined with one of the 'Any Other' mixed breed sections. j) The Judge's decision is final. 2. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE a) All pigs should arrive to the Showground on Tuesday during show week by 6.30pm. at the latest. If, for any reason, they have not been checked by the steward, all details must be confirmed by 7am on Wednesday with the relevant steward. b) All pigs may depart after 4pm on Thursday. 3. ACCOMMODATION a) Pens will be provided in the Pig Building. All entries in one breed and one ownership will be penned closely together where possible. 4. HEALTH AND SAFETY a) Exhibitors and stockpersons should be aware of their obligations to the safety of the public at all times whilst on the Showground and must comply with instructions from Officials and Stewards. b) An exhibitor, their handler or any other representative of the exhibitor or member of the general public who conducts themselves in an improper or offensive manner, to any Judge, Steward or Official appointed by the RNAA, will be reported to the Chief Executive/Show Director. They may be refused entry to the Showground and may not be allowed to compete in any class(es) or competition/s that they may have entered and any money due to this exhibitor/representative of any company may be withheld. Entry into any further Shows may also be refused. 5. REGULATIONS a) Aujesky's Disease Order 1983 - Should an infected area be declared, exhibitors will be advised of any special licensing requirements. b) All pigs may be subject to an examination of their mouths by a Veterinary Officer and should the state of dentition indicate that the age as stated on the entry form does not agree with the accepted standard of dentition, such pigs shall be disqualified and the circumstances reported to the Breed Society. c) All pigs must be earmarked in accordance with the rules of their respective Breed Societies. The Ear Number must be stated on any form, as required. d) Boars of two years of age & over (all breeds) are to be certified as having sired at least three live litters within the twelve months preceding the first day of the Show. The pigs comprising such litters are to have been litter notified in the British Pig Association's Herd Book or proof of their birth must have been given to the Association. e) At all Shows in 2018, Female Pigs (all breeds) born before 1 January 2017 shall only be eligible to compete if in the six calendar months prior to the Show they have farrowed, suckled and reared to four weeks of age, a litter of pigs. f) At All Shows in 2018, Female Pigs born on or after 1st January and before 1st July in the year before the Show must within 18 months of their date of birth have farrowed, suckled and reared to four weeks of age, a litter of pigs. g) Boars aged twelve months or more at the time of show, must have their tusks cut prior arrival. All boars must be shown by two competent adult handlers who are equipped with protective boards. h) The use of artificial colouring, whitening and/or powder on pigs, with the exception of white woodflour, as well as the removal or addition of spots by artificial means is prohibited. The use of any means designed to deceive the judge shall disqualify the animal and the exhibitor shall be dealt with in accordance with Regulation 24 of the Show Regulations. PIGS Section Class Nos British Lop 500 - 505 Middle White 506 - 511 Tamworth 512 - 517 Large Black 518 - 523 British Saddleback 524 - 529 Gloucester Old Spot 530 - 535 Berkshire 536 - 541 Oxford Sandy & Black 542 - 547 Any Other Traditional Breed 548 - 553 Large White 554 - 559 Welsh 560 - 565 Hampshire & Duroc 566 - 571 Any Other Modern Breed 572 - 577 Commercial Pigs 578 - 583 |