Results for the Norfolk Horse Show 2021 Show.
Heavy Horses
ShireHeavy Horse BreedsRidden Heavy Horse |
HEAVY HORSES Timetable: A provisional timetable (subject to change) is available on the Norfolk Equestrian Show web page using the following link: It is colour-coded for your convenience. Heavy Horse sections are shown in 'Pink'. Please ensure you know the correct time and ring for your classes. Please refer to the RNAA website for any updates. ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE: Exhibitors should arrive at the Showground in good time, making allowance for any possible traffic delays. Exhibitors may depart after their class has been judged. STABLES - No stables are available at this event. BREED SOCIETIES: Please ensure that your membership is current with the appropriate Breed Society (if applicable) for the section you are entering and all equines are registered where required. Membership/registration numbers must be stated on the entry forms, together with pedigree names, prefix, affix (if applicable). ____________________________________________________________________________________ Entry Fees (including VAT) Heavy Horse Class Entry (other than any classes listed below) £10 Shire Horse of the Year (HOYS) Qualifier, Class S1 £25 (£10 + £15) Horses entered in Shire classes 1-2 & 4-5 may also enter Class S1 by payment of £15.00 Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) contribution. HOYS British Ridden Heavy Horse, Class 8 (Inc. HOYS contribution of £15) £40 (£25 + £15) Rescue Horses, Classes 92 - 95 £25 ____________________________________________________________________________________ CLOSING DATE for Heavy Horse entries is Wednesday 30 June 2021 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Late entries will be accepted at the discretion of the Show and entries in all sections will be subject to space, availability and verification by the appropriate Breed Society (where relevant). FINAL INSTRUCTIONS & ENTRY PACK: Full instructions will be issued to all exhibitors approximately 14 days prior to the Show. Admission passes will be based on 3 passes per equine. CLASSES FOR HEAVY HORSES Shire In Hand (HOYS) Classes 1-5, Ivan Cooke Ring, 14.00 Heavy Horse Breeds In Hand Classes 6 & 7, Ivan Cooke Ring, 15.30 Ridden Heavy Horse (HOYS) Class 8, Light Horse Ring, 12.30 Foreign & Rare RBST Priority & At Risk Classes 16-21, Cattle Ring A, 13.00 Rescue Horses Classes 92-95, Grand Ring, 9.00 |