Results for the Show 2022 Show.

Fancy Classes
Fur Classes
Rex Classes
Fancy, Lop, Fur & Rex
Championship & Special Prizes for Rabbits

Judge: Mr Glen Hodson - Lincolnshire

Judging: Commencing at 9:30am - Wednesday

Prizes: 1st - £1, 2nd - 50p.
Prize Cards will be awarded 1st-3rd

Entry Fees: £4.00 Block Entry
£2.00 for the Pet Classes (121 & 122)

i) A BRC levy of 50p per exhibitor will be made upon entry using the form provided, otherwise entry will be invalid. This levy is not payable by exhibitors who enter ONLY the Pet Classes 121 & 122.

ii) The Royal Norfolk Show is a two star show.

iii) All Rabbits, with the exception of those entered only in the Pet Classes (121 & 122), must be rung.

iv) All exhibits entered in Classes marked with an asterisk (*) must also be entered in a standard class.