Results for the Show 2016 Show.

Oxford Down
Hampshire Down
Lincoln Longwool
Norfolk Horn
Coloured Ryeland
Kerry Hill
Any Other Primitive Breed
Any Other British Down Breed
Any Other British Longwool Breed
Any Other Native Breed (incl. Hill & Heath)
Any Other Continental Breed
Butchers Lambs
Sheep Championships, including ERNSA Classes
Wool On the Hoof
Young Handlers
Please also see Show Regulations at the back of the Prize Schedule

a) All sections must have a minimum of three different flocks represented or may be amalgamated with another section. Classes may also be amalgamated at the discretion of the Steward if insufficient entries are forward.
b) Animals must be under the same registered owner at the time of entry and Show days.
c) All lambs must have been born in the year of the Show except where stated otherwise in the breed section conditions.
d) The use of artificial colouring on the face, ears or legs, or the use of any means designed to deceive the judge shall be dealt with at the judge's discretion, which could lead to the animal in question being disqualified.
e) Entries close 18 April. Late entries will not be accepted and entries in all sections will be subject to space, accommodation and availability.
f) Please note, all exhibitors are required to include a Flock Number and, if applicable, a Herd Prefix on their entry forms for the purposes of the catalogue.
g) It is compulsory for sheep exhibitors to enter the Grand Ring on Thursday afternoon if their stock has won Championships. Any exhibitors not adhering to this, risk not receiving prize money.

a) Judging times may be subject to alteration depending on class entries. Classes commence at 8am on Wednesday 29 June dependant on ring space and breed entries.
b) Should you wish to enter more than one breed of sheep, please note that it is your responsibility to supply a handler as ring timings may conflict.
c) The Judge's decision is final.

a) All sheep should arrive on Tuesday 28 June up until 6.30pm. If, for any reason, they have not been checked by the steward, all details must be confirmed by 7am on Wednesday 29 June with the relevant steward. Please be aware all sheep will be ear number checked etc. and your assistance in this matter will be much appreciated.
b) All sheep may depart after 4.30pm on Thursday 30 June.
c) All sheep must be identified in accordance with current legal requirements and must be accompanied by correct and current movement documentation.

MV Accredited and Non MV Scheme sheep will be housed in separate open sided marquees. All entries in one breed and one ownership will be accommodated in adjoining pens where possible.

a) Entries in the Suffolk, Oxford Down, Hampshire Down, Texel, Charollais, Beltex, and AOCB sheep sections will be restricted to animals which have achieved MV Accredited status in accordance with the Sheep and Goat Health Scheme.
b) Segregated accommodation will be provided for all animals of MV Accredited status, provided notice of status is given on the entry form, and a photocopy of the current SAC Certificate of Status is forwarded with your entries as confirmation.
c) The Certificate of Status, listing details of the animals being entered must accompany your animals to the Show and be handed in on arrival to the Showground, otherwise you will not be permitted to unload any sheep in the Maedi Visna accredited area. Qualifying and non-scheme sheep will not be segregated in this case.
d) No segregation for Scrapie Monitored Negative Sheep is required providing all entries are (a) not pregnant, (b) have not lambed within 30 days of the Show and (c) not involved in artificial breeding procedures such as out of season lambing. All Dorset Horn and Polled Dorset sheep must be accompanied by a certificate declaring that the above conditions are complied with.

a) Exhibitors and stockpersons should be aware of their obligations to the safety of the general public at all times whilst on the Showground and must comply with any instructions from Officials, Stewards or any signage.
b) Electrical Safety - Any exhibitor who brings electrical equipment to the Showground must ensure that it is in good order and has been inspected and tested by a competent electrician within the past 6 months, with relevant label. The use of sub-standard equipment is strictly forbidden.
c) An exhibitor, their handler or any other representative of the exhibitor or member of the general public who conducts themselves in an improper or offensive manner, to any Judge, Steward or Official appointed by the RNAA, will be reported to the Chief Executive/Show Director. They may be refused entry to the Showground and may not be allowed to compete in any class(es) or competition/s that they may have entered and any money due to this exhibitor/representative of any company may be withheld. Entry into any further Shows may also be refused.

a) The Welfare of Livestock (Prohibited Operations) Regulations 1982 require sheep to be docked so that the remaining tail is sufficiently long to cover the vulva of female and the anus of male sheep.
b) Entries for the Royal Norfolk Show are liable to be inspected by Veterinary Officers and any which do not comply with these regulations will be disqualified with no refund. This ruling will not apply to imported animals which had been docked before import.

Please note that it is the responsibility of each owner to ensure that all animals are fully covered by insurance and that they are fully Show trained prior to arrival at the Showground. All animals to remain penned during the Show period.

Section Class Nos
Suffolk 600 - 608
Oxford Down 609 - 614
Hampshire Down 615 - 620
Jacob 621 - 626
Lincoln Longwool 627 - 632
Norfolk Horn 633 - 639
Southdown 640 - 645
Texel 646 - 653
Coloured Ryeland 654 - 659
Charollais 660 - 666
Kerry Hill 667 - 673
Shetland 674 - 679
Any Other Primitive Breed 680 - 685
Any Other British Down Breed 686 - 691
Any Other British Longwool Breed 692 - 697
Any Other Native Breed (incl. Hill & Heath) 698 - 703
Any Other Continental Breed 704 - 709
Butchers Lambs 710 - 712