Results for the Show 2016 Show.

Heavy Horses
Suffolk & Percheron Stallions
Ridden Heavy Horse
Heavy Horses In Harness
Heavy Horse Turnouts
Two Wheeled Cart Class
Implement Class

There is a provisional timetable inside the front cover of this prize schedule. Please ensure you know the correct day and time for your classes.

Arrival and Departure
Exhibitors should arrive at the Showground in good time, making allowance for any possible traffic delays. Exhibitors may depart after their class has been judged or they have exhibited in the Grand Parade, whichever is later.

Stabling may be booked at the time of making entries at a fee of £44.00 (Inc. VAT) per stable per day. There will be no refund on cancellation. Stabling fees will be refunded in respect of entries forward. Stables are non-transferable and this refund will only be made to the name under which the stable is booked. If a stable is required for groom or harness(es), the charge of £44.00 per day (non-refundable), should be paid with entry fees. It must be made clear when booking stables, if any stables are required specifically for Stallions or Mare & Foal. It may not be possible to book larger stables at a later date.

Stabling can be booked for the following periods:
SHOW DAY 1 STABLING From 18:00 Tuesday 28 June until 18:00 Wednesday 29 June.
SHOW DAY 2 STABLING From 18:00 Wednesday 29 June until end of Show Thursday 30 June.
TURNOUT STABLES ONLY - From 18:00 Tuesday 28 June until end of Show Thursday 30 June.
(NOTE: Turnout classes (classes 48-52) MUST be entered in order to book Turnout stables.)

Straw will be provided in the Heavy Horse stables.
Extra bedding will be available to buy at the Show. John Egmore Bedding Suppliers will be based in the Light Horse Park near the stables for exhibitors/competitors that have booked stables to purchase bedding. To pre-order bedding for the show, contact John Egmore on 01379 674663 or 07799 643050 or email him at [email protected]

Breed Societies
Please ensure that your membership is current with the appropriate Breed Society (if applicable) for the section you are entering and all equines are registered where required. Membership/registration numbers must be stated on the entry forms, together with pedigree names, prefix, affix (if applicable).

Heavy Horse Class Entry (other than any classes listed below) £18.00

Shire Horse of the Year (HOYS) Qualifier. Class S2 £12.00
Horses entered in Shire classes 1-10 may also enter Class S2
by payment of £12.00 Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) contribution.

Best Foot classes are Free of Charge. £0

Young handler classes are Free of Charge. £0

HOYS Ridden Heavy Horse. Class 45 (Inc. HOYS contribution of £12 £30.00

In Harness. Classes 46-47 £10.00

Implement Class. Class 54 £10.00

CLOSING DATE for Heavy Horse entries is 18 APRIL 2016.

Late entries will NOT be accepted and entries in all sections will be subject to space, availability and verification by the appropriate Breed Society (Where relevant).


All persons entering the Showground, including the drivers of livestock and horse boxes must have a valid entrance ticket or pass otherwise they will be required to pay the full price of admission at the entrance gate to the Showground.

An equine passport, containing an up-to-date vaccination record (Equine Influenza) must accompany every horse attending The Royal Norfolk Show. Random checks by The Association's Veterinary Officers or representatives WILL be made before and during the Show.

Ticket Packs
Full instructions, admission wristbands, vehicle passes, etc. will be issued to all exhibitors approximately twenty one days prior to the Show.

Admission Wrist Band Entitlement & Vehicle Passes
Please note ALL tickets will only be valid for day of class/es and not subsequent show day.

Wristbands will be provided for the day of your class.
Support vehicle passes will be supplied where multiple vehicle passes are allocated.
Admission wrist band allocation is based on the number of equines entered, not on the number of classes entered. (See tables below).

Heavy Horse Section - Wrist bands and vehicle passes.
Numbers of equines entered, Admission Wrist Bands, Vehicle pass/es
1 equine 2 Wristbands 1 Vehicle Pass
2 equines 3 Wristbands 1 Vehicle Pass
3 equines 4 Wristbands 1 Vehicle Pass
4 equines 5 Wristbands 2 Vehicle Passes (Inc. 1 Support Pass)
5 equines 6 Wristbands 2 Vehicle Passes (Inc. 1 Support Pass)

Heavy Horse Turnouts
Combination entered, Wrist bands, Vehicle pass/es
1 Single 3 Wristbands 2 Vehicle Passes (If required)
1 Pair/Tandem 4 Wristbands 2 Vehicle Passes
1 Multiple 5 Wristbands 3 Vehicle Passes (Inc. 1 Support pass)

Extra admission passes, valid for either day of the Show, can be purchased at the cost of £17.00 (Inc. VAT) per wristband.

Please Note. Immediately on receipt of your ticket pack, exhibitors are asked to check the contents. Please note that different coloured wristbands will be issued for each day of the Show. No tickets or duplicate tickets/passes will be posted after Tuesday 21 June 2016. No duplicate tickets or passes will be issued during the Show period free of charge.

Security will be present and any exhibitor/s found displaying counterfeit passes may be removed from the Show and any money which may be due to them will be forfeited and further entry refused.